Sunday, May 6, 2007

All my eggs in one basket

We have a birds' nest in our new flowers. Last Sunday we went to the Home Depot and got some flowers for our deck. We got two hanging baskets, and then some other flowers to plant in some pots we have on the deck. By Sunday afternoon our fuschia already had a new admirer, a small red-headed bird and his/her brownish mate took a liking to our balcony. On Monday afternoon when we were watering the plants, there was already an egg in the plant. There was not too much of a nest. Over the last week the nest has been improved, and there are now four eggs. The hanging pot is blowing around like crazy, so I'm surprised that the eggs are not scrambled! I was afraid to water the plant, because the first egg was pretty much just sitting in the dirt, and I didn't want to drown the egg. But I was convinced to water it, and now the nest is better, so I think that they'll make it. I'm still not sure about the plant. I'm afraid of getting my eyes pecekd out by the birds which may or may not be in there when I go to water...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you going to cook those eggs and make some breakfast?